3月25日の英語表現のコレクション その2

 If you condemn something, you say that it is bad and unacceptable.

 Tenure is the legal right to live in a place or to use land or buildings for a period of time

 A plaque is a flat piece of metal or wood, which is fixed to a wall or monument in memory of person or event.
 Park won the right to install a plaque memorializing “comfort women,” many of them Korean, who were forced to work in Japanese military brothels during World War 2.

 A volley of gunfire is a lot of bullets that are fired at the same time.

 If you make a concession to someone, you agree to let them do or have something, especially in order to end an argument or conflict.

 When something rattles, or when you rattle it, it makes short sharp knocking sounds because it is being shaken or it keeps hitting against something hard.

 Someone who is adept at something does it skillfully.
 Heroines for young girls are rapidly changing, and the toy industry – long adept at capitalizing on gender stereotypes – is scrambling to catch up.

 If you twirl something, or if it twirls, it turns round and round with a smooth fairly fast movement.
 Once upon a time, Grace Maher twirled around the house in Disney princess costumes, a vision of Sequins, tiaras and pink.

 If you contradict someone, you say or suggest that what they have just said is wrong.

 If you describe someone as laconic, you mean that they use very few words to say something, so that they seem casual or unfriendly.

 Clerical jobs, skills, and workers are concerned with work that is done in an office.

 Coolant is a liquid used to keep a machine or engine cool while it is operating.

 from cooling coal-fired power plants to irrigation for crops grown to produce biofuels.

Rising demand for …
 Rising demand for energy, from biofuels to shale gas is threat to fresh water supplies.

right to veto
 If someone in authority vetoes something, or if they put a veto on it, they forbid it, or stop it being put into action.
 The proposed bill had initially given a wife the right to veto the husband’s choice.

 If you amend something that has been written or said, you change it.
 The bill, which amended existing marriage legislation.

storm out
 If you storm into or out of a place, you enter or leave it quickly and noisily, because you are angry.

 Polygamy is the custom in some societies in  which someone can be legally married to more than one person at the same time.
 Kenya eases polygamy laws for men

get hitched
 Same-sex couples rushed to Michigan county clerk’s offices Saturday to get hitched a day after a judge overturned the state’s constitutional ban on gay marriage.

… oriented themselves toward the place
 All the snakes immediately oriented themselves toward the place where they were captured.

… among the world’s largest …
 pythons are among the world’s largest snakes.

 If an animal such as a snake slithers, it moves along in a curving way.

 To encircle something or someone means to surround them completely

 When you crawl, you move forward on your hands and knees.
 Justin Casquejo, 16, of Weehawken, New Jersey, was carrying his camera when he crawled through a small hole in the construction fence encircling the world Trade Center site in lower Manhattan to enter the building.

 Hygiene is the practice of keeping yourself and your surroundings clean, especially in order to prevent the spread of disease.


fall sick

a highly contagious epidemic
 As the death toll rose to 59, Guinea identified the Ebola virus Saturday as the source of a highly contagious epidemic ranging through its southern forest.
 A contagious disease can be caught by touching people or things that are infected with it.

 If people in authority such as the police nab someone who they think has done something wrong, they catch them or arrest them.

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