
 If you denounce someone or something, you criticize them severely and publicly.
 Its annexation was overwhelmingly approved by the dominant Russian-speaking population but denounced by the rest of the world.

 If a country annexes another country or a area of land, it seizes it and take control of it.

 If you wrest something from someone, you take it from them, especially when this is difficult or illegal
 Crimea, wrested this month from Ukraine by Russia.

 Turmoil is a state of confusion or great anxiety.
 The problem reflects lager economic turmoil.


form an alliance with…

 A parcel is something wrapped in paper, usually so that it can be sent to someone by post.
 Parcel delivery firm Yamato Holdings.

street value
 The drug would have had a street value of roughly 40,000 euro.

 If you haul a heavy object somewhere, you pull it there with a great effort

 To screen people for a disease means to examine them to make sure that they do not have it
 Many U.S. airlines also perform mental health screenings when pilots and crew apply for jobs.

mentally fit to …
 pilots are mentally fit to fly.

 you use elaborate to describe something that consists of many different parts, making it very detailed or complex.

 If something such as a feeling, process, or belief, it makes it stronger

 A barge is a narrow boat with a flat bottom, used for carrying heavy loads.

 A deputy is the second most important person in an organization or department.

 If someone is in the limelight, they are getting a lot of attention, because they are famous or because they have done something unusual or exciting.

 An incumbent is the person who is holding an official post at a particular time.

the only pill you can take is to tell
 If you go through something very bad or very hard, the only pill you can take is to tell, to take it out of your system.

 A crusade is a long and determined attempt to achieve something.

 If someone or something is stigmatized, they are unfairly regarded by many people as unacceptable or disgraceful.

the tears streaming down her cheeks

 When an area of ground has been paved, it has been coverd with blocks of stone or concrete.
 If one thing paves the way for another, it creates a situation in which the other tings is able to happen.
 Instead of merely hiding behind public funds, we will empower women farmers so that we can pave the way ourselves.

 You use mere to emphasize how unimportant, insufficient, or small something is.

fulfilling lifestyle
 I wanted a fulfilling lifestyle rather than a career.

 When something frozen thaws, or when you thaw it, it melts.
 Thaw is a period of warmer weather when the snow and ice melts.
 If something thaws relations between people, or if there is a thaw in relations, people become friendly again after a period of tension.

fragility, fragile
 If you describe a situation as fragile, you mean that it is weak or uncertain, and unlikely to be able to resist strong pressure or attack.
 the fragility of the environment
 Tokyo will user Pyongyang’s economic fragility as leverage when they meet for high-level talks next week.

 If you curb something, you control it and keep it within limits.
 The nationwide telephone survey conducted over the weekend showed that 65.7 percent plan to curb household expenses after the hike.

 Euphemistic language consists of polite words or expressions for unpleasant or embarrassing things.
 The euphemistic term comfort women is often described as sexual slavery by the media and by those supporting them.

 If you reiterate something, you say it again or emphasize it.

if fresh factors are found

opinion poll
 An opinion poll involves asking people for their opinion on a particular subject, especially one concerning politics.

 If you uphold a law, principle, or decision, you support and maintain it.
 We had repeatedly said we uphold the 1993 Kono statement.

specualtion, speculate
  If you speculate about something, you guess about its nature or identity, or about what might happen
 speculation over the future of the economy.

 A grenade is a small bomb that can be thrown by hand.

 If you are stunned by something, you are shocked or astonished by it and are therefore unable to speak or do anything.

 Russian troops, using armed vehicles, automatic weapons and stun grenades

 If someone is ousted from a position of power or from a job or place, they are forced to leave it.

mass trial

 If someone is convicted of a crime, they are found guilty of it in a law court
 He was convicted of murder.

Japan’s wartime aggression

The 20th century was characterized by war and by violation of basic human rights.

drawing more than a million visitors each year.

Nazi concentration camp

 A contradiction is an aspect of a situation which appears to conflict with other aspects, so that they cannot all exist or be successful.
 There was no contradiction with his recent controversial visit to war-linked Yasukuni Shrine. 

beats the drum for …
 If someone beats the drum or bangs the drum for something, they support it strongly.
 At Anne Frank House, PM beats the drum for peacemaking.

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