
 To inflict something unpleasant on someone or something means to make them suffer it.
 More than 10 glass-plate negatives of photos taken by an amateur photographer showing damage inflicted on a town in Iwate Prefecture by devastating earthquake and tsunami 118 years ago were discovered.

 A deity is a god or goddess
 To transfer shrine deity to a new building.

 If you are exempt from a rule or duty, you do not have to obey it or perform it.
 Other measures include a one-time cash handout of ¥10,000 to every membr of a household currently exempt from residential taxes.

 If you retract something that you have said or written, you say publicly that you did not mean it.
 Wakayama, who was the first co-author of the papers to call publicly for their retraction.

 If something is under scrutiny, it is being studied or observed very carefully.
 If you describe what someone says as a litany of things, you mean that you have heard it many times before, and you think it is boring or insincere.
 A dissertation is a long formal piece of writing, especially for a university degree.
 The paper, which appeared in the journal Nature in late January, have come under scrutiny due to a litany of problems, including images resembling those used in Obokata’s doctoral dissertation in 2011.

 you use groundbreaking to describe things which you think are significant because they provide new and positive ideas, and influence the way people think about things.
 The Japanese researcher and lead author of two recent papers on groundbreaking stem cell research that have been called into question gave a co-author stem cell produced from mice of different genetic lines than originally asked for.

 To drench something or someone means to make them completely wet.
 Tatsuta’s story brings to life everyday details – how gloves get drenched with sweat, or how annoyingly itchy a nose can get behind mask.

 To wreck something means to completely destroy or ruin it.
 No one who works at Tepco’s wrecked nuclear plant.

 You describe something as devastating when it is very damaging or upsetting.
 Fishery and tourism would suffer devastating damage.

the tip of iceberg
 If you say that a problem is the tip of the iceberg, you mean that it is one small part of a much larger problem

southern tip
 The tip of something long and narrow is the end of it
 Located at the southern tip of Hokkaido

 An assembly is a group of people gathered together for a particular purpose.
 Hakodate assembly OKs lawsuit against nuclear power plant

 If someone’s appearance, voice, or behaviour is  strained, they seem worried and nervous.
 Japan and South Korea have yet to find a clear path to fully improve their strained ties.

 If there is a semblance of a particular condition or quality, it appears to exist, through in fact it may not.
 Japan and South Korea  successfully created the semblance of an alliance in a US-borokerd trilateral summit in The Hague.

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