
bubonic plague
 Bubonic plague is a serious infectious disease spread by rats. it killed many people during the Middle Ages.
 The scientist were able to compare the strain of bubonic plague preserved there with that which was recently responsible for killing 60 people in Madagascar.

 If you retrieve something, you get it back from the place where you left it.
 from the largest teeth in some of the skulls retrieved from the square

 To excavate a piece of land means to remove earth carefully from it and look for the remains of objects or buildings, in order to find out about the past.

 A flea is a small jumping insect that sucks human or animal blood.
 The epidemic was caused by a highly contagious strain spread by the fleas on rats.

 When a forensic analysis is done, objects are examined scientifically in order to discover information about a crime.
 Archaeologist and forensic scientist who have examined 25 skeletons unearthed in the Clerkenwell area  of central London a year ago believe they have uncovered the truth about the nature of the Black Death that ravaged Britain and Europe in the mid-14th century.

 Airborne means flying in the air or coming from the air.
 U.K. outbreak in 14th century was airborne, scientist say.

 If your muscles or joints stiffen, or if they stiffen up, they become difficult to bend or move.
 A bad aortic valve can stiffen and narrow with age.

 Your arteries are the tubes that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body.
 Survival rates were better one year later for people who had new valve placed through a tube into an artery instead.

aortic valve
 A new study gives a big boost to fixing a bad aortic valve, the heart’s main gate, without open-heart surgery.

 If you describe a woman as voluptuous, you mean that she has large breasts and hips and it¥s considered attractive in a sexual way.
 In Brazil, the land of minibikinis and voluptuous Carnival dancers, most people say a woman who shows off her body deserves to raped.

 A particular king of tsar is a person who has been appointed by the government to deal with a particular problem that is affecting the country
 Uruguay’s drug czar says every legal marijuana plant in Uruguay will be registered and tracked using radio frequency tags.

 If someone falsifies a written record, they change it in a misleading way or add untrue details to it in order to deceive people.
 Italy’s financial police found falsified passports and other documents in their hotel rooms.

 If the police apprehend someone, they catch them and arrest them.
 Vatican police on Saturday apprehended an American and a Dutchman trying to deposit billions of euros and dollars in fake bonds at the Vatican bank.

 Your accomplishments are the things you have achieved or the things that you do well
 The accomplishment is an advance toward linking the neurons that fire when people make specific movements.

 New research has identified the brain neurons responsible for every behaviour that fruit fly larvae exhibit.

 An atlas is a book of maps.
 First full atlas made of a fly brain

 If a food or drink ferments, or if it is fermented, a chemical change takes place in it so that alcohol is produced.
 Soy sauce usually contains a small amount of alcohol as it is made though the fermentation of soy beans via rice malt.

 Am amphibious military operation, army and navy forces attack a place from the sea
 The new amphibious force being formed by the Self-Defense Forces will likely be based in Sasebo.

 If something comprises or is comprised of a number of things or people, it has them as its parts or members.
 The Aussie program’s tour in Japan will comprise 30 exhibits that let participants play and learn by using ropes and balls and educational shows in which staff reveal the fun of science though live performances.

 If you lodge a complaint, you formally make it.
 The government’s top spokesman on Sunday said the Foreign Ministry has lodged a protest with China over President Xi JinPing’s remarks on the number of Chinese killed by the Imperial Japanese Army during the Nanjing Massacre in 1937.

 If a condition or problem stems from something, that is what originally caused it.
 Xi also said more than 35million Chinese were eventually killed or injured as Japa waged a war of aggression stemming from its militarism.

bankruptcy administrator

 An impeding event is one that is going to happen very soon.

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