
collided head-on with a pickup truck

 If someone in authority reprimands you or if they give you a reprimand, they speak to you angrily or seriously for doing something wrong.
 Tsuruoka told reporters afterward that he had been “sternly reprimanded” by Abe over the outcome.

 If you say that you can’t abide someone or something, you are emphasizing that you dislike them intensely.
 It is extremely regrettable and disappointing, but Japan will abide by the ruling.

 An allegation is a statement saying that someone has done something wrong.
 Riken began its investigation Feb. 20 after allegations of the articles’ impropriety first emerged on a Japanese website earlier in the month.

 Veracity is the quality of being true or the habit of telling the truth.
 It failed to clear up some allegations, including the veracity of so-called STAP cells.

 If someone fabricates information, they invent it in order to deceive people.
 If someone falsifies a written record, they change it in a misleading way or add untrue details to it in order to deceive people
 Interim describes things that are intended to be used until something permanent is arranged or established.
 The final report, released just over two weeks after an interim report, assigned blame to lead author Haruko Obokata for fabrication and falsification of data used in the articles that appeared in the British science journal Nature in late January

 Hasty means done or arranged in a furry, without planning or preparation.

 If you extol something, you praise it enthusiastically.
 The soundtrack to this is a traditional folk-style song with lyrics extolling the virtues of the ninkyo spirit.

 Rudimentary means very basic or not developed to a satisfactory degree.
 Preliminary investigations found that the two sky-blue small aircraft were both rudimentary drones equipped with Japanese cameras.

 Artillery consists of large, powerful guns which are transported on wheels. The artillery is the section of the army which uses these guns.
 Animosity is a feeling of strong dislike and anger.
 A dispute is a disagreement or quarrel between people
 The two Koreans fired hundreds of artillery shells into each other’s waters in a flareup of animosity over a long-disputed sea boundary between the countries.

 Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that is concerned with pregnancy and giving birth.
 Gynecology is the branch of medical science which deals with women’s diseases and medical conditions.
obstetrics and gynecology

 If you forge an alliance or relationship, you succeed in creating it.

foster parents
 Forster parents are people who officially take a child into their family for a period of time, without becoming the child’s legal parents.
 When they apply to become foster parents, people with GID are sometimes questioned about their capability of forging “healthy parent-child ties”.

GID:gender identity disorder
 The Osaka Family Court has approved the adoption of a 3-year-old boy by a woman in her 30s who changed her sex from male due to gender identity disorder.