3月25日の英語表現のコレクション その1


 Officialdom is used to refer to officials who work for the government or in other organizations, especially when you think that their rules are unhelpful.

when it comes to ~.
 when it comes to planning and promoting tourism campaigns.

 Bureaucracy is all the rules and procedures followed by government departments and similar organizations; often used showing disapproval.

 If someone swindle a person or an organization, or if someone is involved in a swindle, they deceive the person or organization in order to get money from them.

 If you deceive someone, you make them believe something that is not true.

 If you describe someone or something as dodgy, you disapprove of them because they seem rather dishonest and unreliable.
 Inose sites raided over dodgy loan

 In some countries, a prosecutor is a lawyer or official who brings charges against alleged criminals or tries to prove in a trial that they are guilty.

80 people each in its four-month programs.

 Legislative means involving or relating to the process of making and passing laws.
 The legislative measures to be compiled by the end of the month.

 Vocational training and skills are the training and skills needed for a particular job or profession.
 A vocational training school run by a Japanese firm in nothern Vietnam will receive ¥100 million in official development assistance.

 A consulate is a place where a consul works.

 A consul is a government official who lives in a foreign city and look after al the people there who are from is or her own country.

 Meanwhile means in the period of time between two events, or while an event is happening.

 To cripple a machine, organization, or system means to damage it severly or prevent it from working properly
 The crippled Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant

 If someone, especially a police officer, interrogates someone, they question him or her for a long time, in order to get information from them.
 He is thought to have been interrogated on espionage charges.

 Espionage is the activity of finding out the political, military, or industrial secrets of your enemies or rivals by using spies.

 If you restive, you are impatient, bored, or dissatisfied.
 Wang is known for his studies on the restive Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region of China.

 An autonomous country, organization, or group governs or controls itself rather than being controlled by anyone else.

~ was learned.
 Wang Ke went missing on a visit to China earlier this month, it was learned Saturday.

 if you coerce someone into doing something, you make them do it  against their will

 A prostitute is a person, usually a woman, who has sex with men in exchange for money.

 A brothel is a building where men pay to have sex with prostitutes.

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